Monday, 26 December 2011

Asian Gold burglaries update

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa | Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh

Please see update on Asian Gold burglaries from LPA Commander (Police) and forward to your contacts. Also print the attached poster (in Punjabi) and give to friends and family.

Dear all

I hope you are all well.

I am emailing you to provide you with an update on what has been happening over the last few weeks in relation to the burglaries in North Earley. Most of you will be aware that we have undertaken a significant amount of activity in the last few weeks to try and prevent any further burglaries. The public engagement events went well and seem to have provided the community with some of the reassurances that they needed. I would like to thank all of you for passing information out into the community and especially to those of you that have worked directly with us and the community. Your help and support has been much appreciated.

A summary of the activity in December:

  • Public engagement meetings held at the Pakistani Community Centre and the Oakwood Centre. I updated the community at both these events and took questions. Both events were very well attended. We also had some crime reduction stalls at the Oakwood Centre which were well received.
  • We have significantly increased our patrols in the area and these will remain for the foreseeable future.
  • We have run ‘Have your Say’ engagement meetings on the street in Earley to speak to the community.
  • We have signed approximately 50 new people up on Community Messaging which is an excellent way for us to get information directly out to the community. Many of these people were signed up at the open evening events.
  • We are going to expand our Neighbourhood Watch Scheme in Earley. This is an important part of our longer term plan and a way that the community can take greater ownership of security in their area.
  • Jim Willis has been working with Shakeel Khan and others to ensure that the North Earley Community is represented on the Earley Neighbourhood Action Group. I know that Jim has already been instrumental in getting the Council Community Wardens active in the area.
  • We have put up 75 new Neighbourhood Watch signs in the area to help act as a deterrent to offenders.

We have had a very good response from the community who are calling us when they see suspicious persons or vehicles.

We have had two burglaries in December where we believe that Gold jewellery was the target. One was in North Earley and one in Lower Earley.

We still have a number of live investigations ongoing and I am confident of some positive results from these in the next few weeks.

We need to continue to encourage the community to take proper steps to safeguard their property and Jewellery.

Useful crime prevention tips to help reduce your chance of becoming a victim of burglary:

  • Visit a local retailer to pick up a 24 hour segment timer for around £5. The timer can be used with a lamp, radio or TV to give the impression that someone’s home. Remember to use an energy efficient light bulb

  • Register your valuables on It’s free and takes just a few minutes and if your valuables are stolen, will allow you to tell the police, your insurer, and the second-hand trade to assist in recovering your property and catch the thief

  • Keep valuables out of sight and don’t keep high value jewellery at home

  • If you have to keep your jewellery at home, then please invest in a home safe suitable for protecting your valuables; your insurance company will provide advice as to which type and grade of safe best suits your needs

  • Look your doors and windows; if you have a UPVC door make sure you have double locked it

  • Set your house alarm if you have one

  • Invest in a security light for the rear and front of your property

Please feel free to circulate this update.

Thank you again for your help

With regards


Christian Bunt | Wokingham LPA Commander | Tel: 0118 918 1645 | Fax: 0118 918 1619 | Int: 704 1645 | Address: Loddon Valley Police Station, Rushey Way, Lower Earley, Reading, RG6 4PS | Email:

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa | Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh
(The Brotherhood belongs to God | All Victories are God's)

Reading Sikh Youth Association (RSYA)


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